Best rates guaranteed!
Hotel Serwir

Best rates guaranteed!

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Our website Other booking sites
10 % discount on each reservation
Best cancelation policy
Complimentary parking & use of the fitness
  1. If you have a discount code, please enter the code in this field

Working in Hotel Serwir

With its unique position in the city of Sint-Niklaas, our guests really enjoy Hotel Serwir. With our varied facilities, our diverse cuisine, our high quality of service and our warm hospitality, we offer all our guests a home away from home.

Would you like to be part of our tradition? If you are a team player, possess good manners, have a positive approach to your work, charisma and enjoy assisting our (inter)national guests, then I would be pleased hearing from you!

Human Resources

Requirements for Applications

  • Curriculum Vitæ
  • Motivation letter
  • Copy of your ID/Passport

Send your complete application file to

Hotel Serwir (attn. Human Resources), Koningin Astridlaan 57, 9100 Sint-Niklaas

or mail to our Human Resources Coordinator: