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Hotel Serwir

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Complimentary parking & use of the fitness
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Hotel Serwir was founded in November 1966 by Joseph Serwir. After years of success, the hotel was transferred to his sons Luc and Marc. Both brothers run the hotel until Eddy Vermeersch took over in 1999.

Eddy Vermeersch is the founder of Stars of Flanders, the former Flanders Hotel Holding from Sint-Martens-Latem. After his death, his sons Dimitri and Serge took over the group. Serge in particular is responsible for the daily management of Hotel Serwir.

Stars of Flanders is a family hotel group. The holding company has been running the well-established Auberge du Pêcheur for years. The group also owns the Gosset Hotel in Groot-Bijgaarden, B&B Charl's in Knokke-Heist and the catering company Diner Privé in Brussels.

Stars of Flanders continues to innovate. Since the group took over Hotel Serwir, the number of rooms was steadily increased from 37 to 55. In 2017, the hotel capacity was expanded by 24 luxurious Superior Plus Rooms. Meanwhile, the hotel counts as many as 78 rooms.

Hotel Serwir regularly receives prominent guests from the political world, as well as business leaders, sportsmen and well-known stars from the television world. Hotel Serwir has developed into a meeting point in the Waasland region.