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Hotel Serwir

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Complimentary parking & use of the fitness
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Waasland Shopping Center

Are you secretly a bit of a shopaholic too? Are you looking for a typical souvenir from Belgium or from Sint-Niklaas itself? Or do you just need to do your home shopping?

Then you are in the perfect location at Hotel Serwir!

Just cross the street and Waasland Shopping is a few metres away.

You can even leave your car in our car park for free because Waasland Shopping is perfectly accessible on foot.

This shopping centre has numerous shops, food and drink outlets. So you can spend a whole day there.

There are well-known retail chains such as Inno, A.S. Adventure, Hema, Delhaize, Tui,... as well as typical Belgian shops such as Leonidas.

Find your favourite shop on the Waasland Shopping site.